The group goes to the Crane family home where they find a secret room. Twenty-five years ago, she saw Parker and when she asked a nurse why he was out of bed, the nurse seemed confused and told Lorraine that he had jumped to his death the day before. Lorraine recounts the story of a patient named Parker Crane who was admitted for trying to castrate himself. They are told to find answers at an abandoned hospital, where Lorraine used to work as a doctor. They contact Elise's former colleague Carl, who attempts to contact Elise's spirit. Specs and Tucker show Lorraine the tape, enhanced to reveal it is an adult Josh standing behind the young Josh. A woman in a white dress attacks Renai and Josh hears a voice urging him to kill his family.

Renai receives a call from the police stating that the fingerprints do not match Josh's. Dalton tells his mother that he has been having bad dreams about a woman in a white dress, as well as hearing Josh talk to an unseen figure. Upon reviewing it, they find someone standing behind Josh in the video. Specs and Tucker, Elise's associates, visit Elise's house and discover a videotape of the 1986 investigation. Josh, Renai and their children - Dalton, Foster, and Cali - relocate to Lorraine's house, where they again begin to encounter strange paranormal events. She is warned that if Josh's fingerprints are found at the crime scene, he will be prosecuted for Elise's murder.

Twenty-five years later, Josh's wife, Renai Lambert, is under questioning about the death of Elise. She insists that they must suppress Josh's astral projection abilities for his own safety, and plant haunted memories to his brain. While attempting to confront paranormal phenomena in the home, Elise's arm is inexplicably slashed by an unseen force. In 1986, Lorraine Lambert summons demonologist Elise Rainier to help her son Josh, who is being followed by the spirit of an old woman.